
Scrapbook News and Review "Oh Say Can You See 4th of July Blog Hop" and a prize to be won!

I'm so glad you could join the SNR Card Universe Blog Hop! If you came from Courtney Fowler's blog you are on the right track! If you didn't, here's the beginning of the hop: Card Universe so you can start at the beginning.

There are over 90 blogs on this hop and each one has amazing cards and projects to share!
I started working on this as soon as I signed up. Such a fun blog hop to be a part of and for the first time ever, I am offering a sweet patriotic prize for one lucky winner! Details are below.

This is a light hearted quote I found that sums up how my day will be spent:

You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. ~Erma Bombeck

My first project is for a "repurposed" item. These are little jam/jelly jars that I altered with a few vintage images from Vintage Image Crafts, buttons, ribbon, and wire. Super easy to create and such a fun gift to give for the 4th of July hostess or friend! Wouldn't one of these filled with a treat be cute left hanging on a neighbor's doorknob? I bought sparklers for the kids to place in one and some yogurt covered blueberries to put in the other.

Supplies: cardstock: Bazzill; jewels: Heidi Grace; buttons: craft supply; ribbon and wire from craft supply; paint: white; images: Vintage Image Crafts

I also made this birthday card because it's my brother's birthday today! I really like the Creative Imaginations paper because it's so whimsical.
Supplies: cardstock: Wausau white.; pattern paper; Creative Imaginations; chipboard heart: Heidi Grace; eyelets: craft supply; ribbon: Wright's; rub-on: American Crafts mini marks; staples: Wal Mart; tools: Fiskar's Apron Lace border punch

Now on to the prize! It's really simple. Just leave a comment on this post telling me your 4th of July plans and I will choose one lucky winner to receive a sweet patriotic prize! I will draw a random winner at the end of the blog hop, Sunday 10 PM CST.

Wishing you a happy Independence Day!

Next stop on the blog hop is Gerrie!



fun projects!! Love the bling!


Great projects Amy!!!! Happy Fourth!


these jars and the card are fabulous! Have a super 4th!


Wow! Those jars are perfect!
On this 4th, the plan is to do a little blog hoppin (NOW), spend some time by the pool, have a little BBQ, watch some fireworks, spend time with the fam and marvel at how blessed I am to live in this country!Happy 4th!


What wonderful projects! Great card, I'm sure your brother will love it. Not sure what our plans are here, it is poring down rain so the parade is out! Have a wonderful 4th!

K Hutchinson

What an awesome up-cycled gift this would make! LOVE IT! Happy 4th!

Tenia Nelson

Awesome projects and card!! TFS and Happy 4th!!


fun creations!!! happy 4th!


Your jars are very creative and beautiful- I have never seen anything like them- what a GREAT idea- I am attending a BBQ this afternoon to play some volleyball- eat too much- watch some fireworks- and snuggle with my honey! Happy 4th to you!
Dawn in SC


Great projects! My plans are very simple but we have our flags up. I am planning to spend time with the family, we will BBQ this afternoon, and then go to our town's fireworks tonight! Enjoy your 4th!
Elizabeth eloray1@comcast.net

Jennifer E.

Love your vintage images & your fun & festive card! TFS! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! Have a Happy 4th of July!


Fabulous jars!! Our 4th of July plans are a family picnic.


awesome project TFS! I plan to go over to a friends house and celebrate with bunches of my friends from church

Mrs B

I love those jars! Great idea to re-purpose an item....We are celebrating the 4th at the Lake with my family. Have a safe holiday

Anne House

what a cute set!

Maggie Lamarre

luv the jars :)
I plan on spending the day in the pool it's a scorching 96 here.

Giving away a cuttlebug machine and new folders, don't forget to enter your card in the challenge it fits the patriotic theme this week.:)


Just LUV' those darling vintage images on your jars. Cute, cute. July 4th plans..........none. My husband has to work a 12 hour shift today at a local prison, due to people who can't be let free. He will work in a dorm of over 90 degrees, and come home at the end of the day, worn completely out. Yet, I am thankful for the true meaning of this day, as I DO appreciate my American freedom.


I love your projects, especially the vinatge jars! Too cute!!


I love your card! It's hard for me to make Fourth of july cards that are whimsical but not childish and this one is so perfect! We are going to eat good old barbeque ribs for dinnerand then go downtown for a fireworks show like we do every year! enjoy your day!


Great project and card Amy...HAPPY 4th...SK

Tami Bayer

Oh, how gorgeous these are. I love the way you put the wire hangers on these and all the pretty little touches. Pretty simple plans today, cooking hot dogs on the new grill and going to watch the fireworks over the lake. Happy 4th.


Happy 4th! It's nice that your brother's birthday is celebrated by an entire nation!!!

Stacey Schafer

love your projects! if it doesn't rain, we are planning to go to our capitol and see the fireworks tonight!

Lisa Somerville

Great projects Amy, love the vintage look! Just enjoying the day with friends & family! Happy 4th!


Love your projects and card well what i'm doing this 4th of july is a huge bloghopping LOL



beautiful vintage projects. Happy Independence day to you

Margaret Kane Ward

cute projects!!! thanks for the inspiration


What a great idea for recycling. I love it.

Our plans are just to stay at home and do nothing.


Cute project! Taking my niece home and picking up my daughter today!

The Wired Angel

thanks for sharing your creativity and participating in the blog hop...

I'm married to a Brit.. and I'm sure you will find being engaged to one that the 4th of July is confusing to them... that's the day they beat themselves!!! We'll be cooking some ribs Kansas City style~

Enjoy your fourth.


We're going to a beach party to celebrate my niece's birthday!


BBQ at a friends house and a wonderful night under the fireworks.

I really love your jars and that beautiful card. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing and being a part of Scrapbook News and Review Card Universe's Oh Say Can You See blog hop!

Kristin - The Fifth Sparrow No More

Those jars are wonderful - I collect jars to alter and thank you for the Vintage Image link. So cool!


Darling projects!! I used the same image (the little girl) on my card and used the same paper on my layout. LOL


just wonderful love the images you used!

would lvoe for you to stop by my blog!


Thanks Davia


What great projects you have created to inspire us.

We're going to my parents house for a cookout & to swim

Have a great 4th


Great projects!

Besides having to make a card after seeing all the fun blogs today, we will be attending a bbq with our friends.

C. Sage Deerborn

Love your card, and the gift jars are a great idea. I hope to be enjoying baby back ribs with my Aunt and Uncle.

Sue D

I love the vintage jars--so cute. We are celebrating my son's birthday today. We will have a cookout and ice cream and cake.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com


Great altered items, love those jars and I want some of those blueberries. The card is great too, you did a super job.
I am spending a quiet day here at home and really enjoying the blog hop and finding new blogs to follow and places to go and people to see. I plan on watching the big celebration in Houston Freedom over Texas tonight on TV, they have the biggest fireworks display around, it is too hot here to go downtown for this one and too many people for me, so I will watch from the comfort of my recliner and maybe still be working on this blog hop, thank goodness I have a wireless laptop........
Have a happy 4th of July.....

Karolyn at Paper Therapy

Cute projects! I love the DP and star brads!! We plan to have a BBQ and watch fireworks at my sister's lake house! I have blog candy on my blog as well, and would love for you to drop by and enter! Happy 4th!


Cute projects! We have moved to a new state. Usually we start with a (15 year old) neighborhood parade infants to senior adults, pets, antique cars, floats, fire trucks etc. Then go to a religious and patriotic themed church program. We end the evening with dinner and firework program. Enjoying the day with our best friends. New year, new town hoping to go see fireworks this evening.

Happy 4th


Melissa S.

The jars are great and I really like the card. Isn't this a great blog hop?


What cute gift ideas. Love the vintage look. Happy 4th.


Love your projects and thanks for sharing this day.
Diana Enns


I am spending the day blog hopping and baking. Then this evening we are going to visit friends who live on the beach. Our city had a long fishing pier and they set off fireworks from the pier. We'll have a great view either from the beach (if it doesn't rain) or from the balcony (if it does rain). I love your card and your idea of giving something to your neighbors! I'll try to remember that for the next holiday! :) Have a wonderful 4th! gassgirl340@yahoo.com


wonderful projects and great card.

Happy 4th of July!


I'm going to friend's house for food & fun...that is if I can stop hopping
Really cute ideas I love vintage things

Ina Good

We are going by boat to the beach and fish and later watch the fireworks by boat! They are awesome every year here! Your blog and jars are awesome! Thanks for letting me enter and stop by!happy 4th! Hugs,Ina


What fun projects...especially love the jars!

If I can ever stop hopping long enough, I plan to visit friends and enjoy the fireworks! Hope your is great!

Christy Dillman

Wonderful projects, thanks for sharing! Our 4th plans include us just hanging out with family in NE, BBQ, fishing for boys, and a little croquet adn fireworks later. Have a great 4th!

Christy Dillman

Adeline E. Brill

Parade in Marietta, GA - love it!

Janice Webb

I'm headed over to my neighbors for a BBQ! YuM!!

Love your work!


the containers are adorable!


we will be sitting on our front porch out in the country. SOMEONE will be shooting off fireworks...two years ago was a pretty good site!

Jenny B in Indy

Love the card!!!

Well, we had plans to watch the fireworks from our backyard with friends but it has been raining and 64 degrees all day.. totally NOT normal. So I guess we are staying in.


Love your gift idea and the card is so pretty! I love that paper....
We are going to have a BBQ at my parents and light off some fireworks after dark. Very low key! Have a great 4th!

Carole RB

Great project. No particular plans for today! Happy 4th of july


Great repurposing idea...Happy 4th of July!
My plans ...watching Neil Diamond on the CBS Boston Pops Show tonight..nothing like hearing his song "America" to put my priorities in order and thank so many for giving their all for our freedom.

stampin at the lake

Great little containers. Go Green! Lynne

Kharlie Bug

Yay! More vintage images. I don't think we see enough of that these days. I love your jars. Super cute and the card is super.

My plans today include blog hopping, bbq-ing some burgers, having some watermelon and blog hoppin' some more. Unfortunately there aren't too many fireworks displays here so I won't be watching any but I will be enjoying my freedom as an American to do what I wish on this fabulous day :D


Very creative - and I love the Erma Bombeck quote - thanks for sharing.


Getting ready to go watch some fireworks can't wait. Hugs Alesia


Carolyn Mcavoy

love your ideas your card rocks!
my plan was to have a family get together awhile back, but every sibling had other plans...
so my husband and I spent today together and had a blast...


Love your projects!!! I'm having a nice relaxing day around the house!



Your projects are so adorable!


Fabulous projects! My plans today were to enjoy a meal at the Olive Garden and have a lazy day around the house.


Great projects. I really love the jars since I collect all types of containers. Happy 4th to you.


Irit Shalom

great altered items!! love it!!


I just love re-purposing stuff! Great job & TFS

Paper Patti

Love the vintage images. Happy 4th!

Karen Poirier-Brode

Went to the parade this am, will watch fireworks tonight.
Tomorrow having a combined 4th of July and BD party celebration for DS and DDIL


Those jars are just an absolutely adorable must have. Great idea! I love them. I've been enjoying the blog hop most of the day and when taking a break, worked on a wedding gift box for my grandson. We will head out to the riverpark soon to watch the fireworks. Lazy, enjoyable day but sure do miss having the kids and grandkids here this year. Happy 4th to you and yours!

Jean McKenzie

Wonderful projects! It is a normal Sunday for us here in Australia but I wish you a very happy 4th July!


Love the jars, great project. Went to a local parade and then a cookout by the pool with the whole family. Hope you had a great holiday.


The jars are super cute!! I LOVE the Erma Bombeck quote, too!! We went to the fireworks last night and to the parade this morning. Not too much else because my DH is working. I hope you had/have a great 4th!!


Happy 4th of July. We dont celebrate over here in the UK, but I am having great fun blog hopping.


love your projects, the jars are so cute and i just adore the card!


those little jars are soooo cute !!!! tfs


Love the quote - and the jelly jars are gorgeous!


I'm getting to blog hop because my boys just got home from boy scout camp and they are so tired! They are all sleeping so I'm hopping! I'll have to wake them up to go see fireworks!


Our plans for the 4th we took our son who broke his leg to see fireworks and for some 4th of july activities.

Janet Strain

Lucky me; my 4th of July plans were... working! I'm a pharmacist; unfortunately people still need drugs on holidays...


I love your regifting ideas. We had lots of outdoor plans, but it rained. So we watched lots of TV.


Great project and card! My 4th of July plans consisted of: Parade @ 11 a.m. and fireworks @ 10 p.m. Pizza in between. We had a great day! Hope you did.


Fantastic jars and what a great holiday themed b-day card. This morning we went to a parade and then later this afternoon headed on over to the park to meet my parents and our neighbors (and of course get our front row seats for fireworks). At the park, we grilled out, played with the kids and obviously watched fireworks ~ it was a great day!


LOVE your jars!!!!!


Lovely projects!
We don't celebrate 4th if July in Australia, but have recently celebrated Territory Day (for the Northern Territory) on July 1st with going to a local fireworks display, then setting off a few of our own!

Jennifer Schmidt

Ooh, I love those gorgeous, festive jars! What a great idea to fill with goodies or a treat as a gift :) Hope you're having a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!


Well, the day after the 4th I can say that I totally enjoyed the 4th. I relaxed, lounged around and did not acdomplish one single thing! A REAL vacation!


I spent the day with my husband who is active duty navy and my son and another active duty family having a bbq and enjoying each other. What better way to spend the day.



Love, love, love your jars!! Wish I lived next door to you :)
We had a nice restful day at the house swimming and eating!


Gorgeous jars! Very lucky neighbors. We had a very relaxing day of games and ribs, then we lit fireworks out front.


We shared the 4th with a group of friends and all our kids blowing up wonderful fireworks!

Sandra J. Strickler

Love the repurposed jars! We spend the 4th watching fireworks and going to my sisters to hang out!


Love the jars and the birthday card!


The jars are such a great idea!! Love that card, too!! We went to a friends house for a cookout and fireworks.

Betty Jo

I really like the vintage designs on your projects. We are having family over for a picnic and then we will be setting off some fireworks. Lots of fun


I will be attending a barbeque at my parents house which is our usual celebration for Independence day. Thanks for the opportunity!


Love the repurposed projects! My dd who is sitting here with me loves them too!!! Since it is now July 5th, I can tell you that our 4th of July was nothing too exciting - we had a garage sale all day and then just spent the evening together as a family relaxing! It was great since that is not something we get to do very often.



Amy! I LOVE the fact that you did repurposed items! Thank you! We just hung out at home and did some much needed weeding in the back yard and then watched fireworks on tv (since they are illegal where we live). It was a fun relaxing and productive day!


Holy moses, that card and those jars are absolutely adorable!! You did such a festive job on those!!!! =)

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