Oh my goodness! I have not checked my mail in three days! To be honest, it's been weak, filled with medicare letters, which , "hello! I am not 65!!!" Anyhow, I went today. Yes, I dragged myself to the box and the mail carrier had left me a key to open the extra storage box. When I opened it up I almost fell on the ground. It was packed with boxes! Okay, it was 3 boxes but to me this was incredible -let me have these little moments in life to relish please. I brought it in and told J it was Christmas early. LOL! I asked her if she wanted to open a box and she was quick to reply yes!
So she chose Pam's box. Pam and I have been doing Monday mailer's now for a year? It's been a bit! Now we are doing monthly mailers and every time she sends me something it's always something fabulous! Check it out:
Let me preface by saying the picture is awful because I was a little jacked up on York Peppermint Patties. Ivon was my secret Santa sister for a MMFY swap and she sent me a whole bag of the delightful treats! Sorry, had to have one (or two-whose counting?) She had strict instructions not to open the package underneath the zip lock of candy till Dec. 25th though! I put it back without peaking. She must know me very well, because sending the chocolate will hold me over while I wait! Hee hee! It's a good distraction for me Ivon! Thank you!

Jacquelynn was ecstatic! Her favorite cookies and a decorating kit to boot! Pam this rocks! She looked at the different sprinkles and marvelled about how beautiful her cookies are going to look using them! Your card is so cute! Love that snowman! Thank you Pam!
So I told you about the second, well kind of and then the third box was from Sarah. It was a whimsey jar filled with the coolest bling, brads, buttons, ribbon, glue dots, chocolate (these ladies know my weak spot!) and more! It was a snowman's paradise! Love it! I dumped it out and J and I went through it all! Here's a snapshot of the goodies:

But wait- there was more mail! My Grandmother sent J and I a Thanksgiving card that plays the Peanuts theme wishing us a wonderful Thanksgiving. Okay, I adore Snoopy and so does J. A great card and she sent us a dream catcher. I am hanging it in J's room to capture any unpleasant dreams she may have. Thank you Marie!

And last but not least-
Another swap I was in was Queen Bee and it was my week to be showered with mail. Kimmie sent me this gorgeous fleur-de-lis card she made that was embossed 2 different ways (powder and dry). Oh my goodness girl! That card rocks! She wrapped the card in a piece of scrapbook paper that is beautiful. I was like, hey I am recycling this paper. She also sent me some way cool tags! Oh my! Thank you!
Kimmie's awesome work:

Thanks ladies for all the wonderful surprises! :-)