
Eeek! 500 Posts Giveaway!

I can't believe I have stuck with this!  Over 500 posts about my card/altered art obsession  mixed with stories of my daughter, autism, and general life situations.  Many of you have been there to see me my progression from the start and I thank you so very much!  Boy, my blog has transformed tremendously.  I must admit it's still not what I want completely, but sometimes I find myself getting too carried away with details here which takes away from my creative time. 
As many of you know, I have just returned from my vacation in Europe and I want to share a few of my amazing finds with you!  I scoured flea markets in Nice, Paris, and Marsielle to discover hidden treasures in boxes set up on the streets.  I must admit, Paris had the most diversity. 
Upon returning to the states, I worked on some kits to complete.  This kit I am offering one lucky winner is a mostly vintage with a splash of new.  If you love vintage then this giveaway is for you!
This everything in the kit!

This shows the papers, various empherma, muslin, lace, and seam binding.

This includes the stamp set, 5 pack of pigment inks, Paris book board covers, a package of Queen & Co pearls, a Jelly Roll glitter pen, Martha Stewart glitter alphabet stickers, a Tombow tape dispenser, 2 rolls of decorate tape, and a small vial of vintage glitter.

A photo of what's inside the bowl.  Includes: vintage floss, thread, Paris picks, blue and white flags, vintage buttons, clock faces, charms, heart shaped clips, brass handle, Prima flowers,  binder rings, and more!

So how can you win this?  Easy!  This giveaway is open to everyone in any country!

1. Leave a comment on this blog post.

2. Post about my giveaway on your blog with a link back to mine
You can use the blinkie on the right if you like!

3. Become a follower if you aren't already. 

You have until Sept. 4th to enter.  I will draw a winner on Sept. 5th and announce the winner on my blog! 
Thank you for joining in!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 217   Newer›   Newest»

Wow this is awesome candy! I know it's tough with autism. My Aunt and Uncle who live in Colorado, have fostered and adopted several children with autism, they are so good with them! It takes a special person, so you must be pretty special. The children with autism are surely God's gift, they are special in so many ways :O) Hugs! Leah Ann


This is an awesome giveaway! Thank you so much! Time on blogger just flies, I just reached my 200 posts and can't believe it :)

Thank you for all that you do and being so thoughtful!


Wow!! what a fantastic giveaway! ... you obviously had fun in Europe ... thanks for the opportunity ... have a great day


Wow, Amy! Sounds like an amazing vacation. Hope you took lots of photos. Linking you up on my blog.


Super candy!! Thanks for being so generous...u sound like a great mom!! ur daughter is blessed to have u..Linked ur candy on my sidebar


Wow....500 already?....lol......such a generous giveaway...will link up later today on my blog...am already an ardent follower!
Did you get over to the UK? I live in England, and nobody can beat our flea markets....ha!

Rez P.

Oh what a lovely candy. I have post this on my sidebar. I am also having a candy give away. I hope you will visit me too. I found you at
http://felineplayful.blogspot.com. Thanks to ET for posting our candies :-).

Maria Matter

omgosh Amy, so generous!
Sounds like you had fun putting all this together! I'd love to dig for treasures in Paris flea markets,very cool!
hugs & blessings!

Romina Nahata

hey !!thnxx a to !!already following u via e-mail !!hv.posted it on my sidebar too !!


Beautiful candy! i just started my Paris album, and this candy is perfect for it.
thanks for the chance, i posted it here:


I found your blog through a mutual blog friend Ros(Mikeys Mom). Im glad to say Im a follower now and can't wait to go thru your archives.. you do lovely work!


such beautiful candy i loved the vintage style xxx im a new follower and cant wait to be inspired xxx

Savannah O'Gwynn

HOOOORAY! Congrats on so many posts--here's to 500 more:) Thanks for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Savannah O'Gwynn

I followed by using my RSS feeder--and just joined with your follow button on the left sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com



Hello, I am Susanna, I found your blog by following playful cat, I became a follower.
I posted on my blog and now I cross my fingers through. thanks susanna

Neha Jain

lovely giveaway :)

i am a new follower here
thanks for a chance to win...
posted on my sidebar as well...


Oh wow! What an awesome giveaway Amy! Congrats on your milestone my friend! :)


Thanks for offering this candy..It's already in my sidebar..

Regards from Malaysia, http://syazcards.blogspot.com/


super candy:)Info na pasku bocznym:)Pozdrowienia z Polski:)
dodałam Twój blog do obserwowanych:)


I love everything vintage and card-related so this candy just makes me want to spring of joy! Wow, I can't wait to see who'll win this! I hope it will be me! :D Cause I've done everything needed to win this great candy! Thanks, Amy!


What a fantastic giveaway. I must admit I'm drooling over your vacation to Europe. That had to be exciting.

Smiles Sher


Oh Wow Amy! Super Fabulous giveaway, Someone is going to be really lucky. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. I've linked your giveaway to my sidebar and I am now a follower of your great blog. Love your work by the way.
Hugs, Rosalee

Sharon Huffman

Just posted on my sidebar and am a new follower. Thanks and congratulations! I look forward to getting to know you better!

Ms. Petersen

Hi Amy, You already know this, but your candy is phenomenal! I've won a few candies this past year, but they've all been little ones, and so I figure I'm due for the big one, and would love it if it were yours! I am now a follower, and have just spent a very pleasant half hour roaming around your blog. I've also posted a pic of your candy on my blog at: http://paperluvver.blogspot.com/. So, thanks so much for the really amazing chance to win your really amazing candy!


I add your candy on my blog!! :D I'm so happy if I win, but I am happy if I don't win, too because I'm a new italian follower about your cool blog =D

contact me via email if I'mm lucky =)

This comment has been removed by the author.
Tündéri Lonka

what a beautiful giveaway! i hope that i will be those lucky!!!

Tündéri Lonka

i've posted about this giveaway.
you can find the picture on the right side.
hope the best!


Congrats! This is an awesome give away! I posted on my blog's sidebar.


Awesome giveaway! Don't have a blog but I am a follower of yours.


I came across your blog purely by accident and just love the vintage feel. I would like to be entered in this contest. The items are so amazing and you are very kind in offering them. Someday I would like to have a blog of my own but not sure I would have time because there are so many great ones like yours out there to visit. Thanks so much!

Nana Donna

Congrats on your 500 posts. I love your blog and can't believe I wasn't already a follower but I am now. I will post about your giveaway in my side bar.


Congrats! I love your blog! I am now a new follower!
I am going to post about your fabulous giveaway on my blog. BTW your trip sounds amazing!

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts

Oh My Gosh This Is Craft Candy Heaven! Please Put My Name in The Giveaway Pot! Thank You Hugs,Tee
PS. Posting on My Blog!


Your blog is great... as your giveaway!!
Really thank you!!
I hope to come back from holiday with a bid surprise!!



Congrats! And WOW that is a beautiful candy, thank you for the chance to win :)


Tienes un bello blog y aparte eres muy generosa con tu regalo. Si tienes 500 seguidores es por que tienes mucha creatividad. Felicitaciones. Lilana


You've a wonderful blog; CONGRATULATIONS! I love your cards....
That is a great giveaway package...sounds like you had a wonderful time in France...


Vicki Wizniuk

500?! That's great! Here's to the next 500!!! Wow, what an awesome giveaway... thank you so much for the chance to win. :)


Wow, what a great giveaway! I am a follower (hope you visit me too) and I have posted and linked to your site! Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway... I love all things vintage!


hi! what agenerous giveaway, congratulations for 500 i hope it turns 1000 posts soon enough, :)
i hope i win the giveaway cuz those are some craft supplies i dont get near my place.


Wow! Amy, what a fabulous giveaway! Congratulations on 500 posts!! Way to go.
Thanks for the chance to win your awesome candy. I have your candy posted in my blog , I'm a follower and hoping so much to win :D

Kelly Massman

Congrats on 500 posts and your large # of followers! I'm a new follower! What an amazing candy! I've posted it on my sidebar! http://kmassman-scrapbooks-cards.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much for a chance to win!


Congrats on your 500th post and that is one stunning kit of vintage thank you for the chance
hugs Nikki
I've linked and follow u too

Mona`s Bittelille Scrappekrok

Hi Amy!
Congrats on you 500th post. That`s fantastic! I have become a new follower. I accidentally came across your blog and i`m so happy to, lol. Much fabbe creations here. I have posted you in my right sidebar. If you are interested i have some candy too, lol. Thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies. Hugs...Mona


Congratulations on your 500th post. May there be many more. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Georgie Horn

I want in on this giveaway. I'm a new follower and have posted about your giveaway on my blog. Come get you some Puddin' N Pie...


Wow what fabulous finds in Paris :) Congratulations on so many blog posts :)


Now that is some fabulous candy.. Congrats on all those post.. I feel the same way, I can't believe How far I have come with this blogging world..


Hi Amy! I'm your mystery envelope swap partner- Just wanted you to know I'm sending your pkg tomorrow Aug 16- be looking :)


What fantastic blog candy!! I've got it on my sidebar on my blog. I am a follower. And I want to thank you for the chance to win such awesome goodies!! :)


Ship it back to Europe, more precise in to my mailbox :D , Im from Sweden and entering your giveaway, follower and your candy is on my sidebar. thank you very much for the chance to win these goodies :)


What an awesome give away:) Sound like you made some great finds in Europe:) Thanks for the chance to win:) Look forward to seeing more of your work:)



Amy looks like your trip yielded some awesome scores!! Congrats...It is a lot of fun to see how we are coming along in this blogging life isnt it ;) Fabulous give away!

Ms. Petersen

Your candy is absolutely amazing. Whoever wins it will be lucky, indeed. I am now a follower, and have posted a pic of your candy on my blog at: http://paperluvver.blogspot.com/. Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win your very generous candy! Candy is so fun!

The Scrappin Diva

Wow that is some giveaway you are given
thanks for the chance



WOw!! Its just a great kit!! i want one!!!


What an awesome giveaway! I love EVERYTHING! I have a friend whose son is autistic, so I know about the struggles you go through. You should be commended! Thanks for the chance to win!


i'm a new follower and i love the trip you have done, but you didn't visit the wonderful Italy????:-)))
here's my blog candy corner with your candy on the sidebar

here's my creative blog, if you want to visit me!

greetings from Italy!!!


Well this is what I thought when seeing all the goodies. "Are you kidding me?" I'm in Amy. Thank you for being soooo generous. Peggyxo


Wonderful candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I've posted on my sidebar and I'm a new follower.


Shane Pollard

Hello Amy
Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway - how generous you are!
I love Vintage and French - everything looks so beautiful - sigh!!
I'm in NZ and we can't get most of what you've shown here.
I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed!
Shane :))

Shane Pollard

Sorry - I forgot to say I've added your button to my side bar and I've become your newest follower.
Shane :)


Congratulations! I love your blog. Thank you for the chance to win all these vintage goodies.

lavina agarwal


I am already your follower and love your space. Is this candy for international followers? I am currently in australia, have a permanent place in India.


Wow congratulations on 500 posts. That is major!! Thanks for the chance at such AMAZING candy. I have posted your candy in my sidebar ^^

Audrey Pettit

Wow, Amy! What an amazing giveaway! You are SO sweet. :) A super huge congratulations to you on your 500 posts. I'm looking forward to 500 more!


This is an awesome giveaway! Thank you so much!have post this on my sidebar. I know it's tough with autism children are surely God's gift, they are special !!!I am also having a candy give away. I hope you will visit me too. =)


Gorgeous blog and creations, and what fabulous candy, huge congrats on your 500 posts. I've posted and followed and entered--have a super great weekend

Annette Allen

awesome blog candy... congrats on having 500 post..
I am a new follower...
check out my blog I am also offering some blog candy..
Happy Crafting


Oh my gosh, I just found your blog and can't believe I've missed out on 500 posts. there is a lot of catching up to do on my end.

Please enter me in your drawing and welcome back.

Savannah O'Gwynn

OHHH! What a great milestone!!! 500 post:) CONGRATS! Here's to 500 more!!

And what a great vaca--can't wait to see your pics! THANKS for this fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win--sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Angela Kennedy

What an amazing giveaway. I have just found out about your blog and can't wait to read about you, your art and your autistic daughter. My son has autism as well. Thank you!


Great candy!
thank so much for sharing :-)


Ohhhh Boy! This is tremendous!!! I was recently in a paper fairy swap and guess what? I am hooked on paper...WOW! Now I'm involved in making name and letter signs for children! Okay, I'm still not a paper artist...not yet! Who started me on this journey? YOU, Miss Amy, you did!!! Thank you!!! grin



Congrats for your 500 posts! I just passed 100 and feel so important, hahaha...
Thanks for the chance with this gorgeous candy :) I posted in my sidebar and am a new follower too!


You are amazingly generous in your fabulous give-away.
Fantastic stash of goodies! My birthday is in September and I would like to win this giveaway :). Thank you for the chance and I wish you good luck!!!!


Woww, this are not nothing!
I put the photo out onto the right side of my blog.


Anita Kejriwal

amazing stuff! Getting it will be a dream come true! I,ve done all that was needed. Thanks!!


Wow, what a nice candy (^.^)Thx for the oppertunity!
I hope you had fun on your trip!


I've posted your candy on my sidebar
Thanks for the chance to win :)

Jenn Zeeb

I am a new follower and posted a link on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity for such GREAT candy.




hi candy,Im so excited as you can see im a big fan of Paris..I love vintage scrapbooking papers etc..thanks heidi ;0)

Funkyrosebud Crafts

Funkyrosebud Crafts is my blog


Awesome Awesome Awesome... Blog Candy!!
Congratulations on yr 500th Post. I'm a Follower now & have posted about yr candy on the sidebar of my new Blog. Thanks a ton for the chance to win.. & yeah i think u r really one talented lady...keep these wonderful projects coming in...




What a fantastic giveaway! You are SO generous! :)
(lorepuckett on s-b)


Wahou thanks for all these gifts. It's on my blog : http://lescrapdesuperdidine.over-blog.com/article-blog-candy-amy-duff-papertrails-leaver-82186109.html


hey amy
i m already a follower !
what an amazing giveaway


wow, what beautiful goodies! happy to follow you...yours designs are so amazing.


Congrats on 500! Very generous give away!


Great giveaway! I am a new follower and I have posted the giveaway on my blog. Thanks! scrappyksue.blogspot.com


You are very generous, Amy=)
Thanks for a chance to win! I posted your candy on my sidebar.

Designing with Debbie

Great Blog Candy. Thanks for a chance to win. I am a new follower and look forward to seeing your work. I have posted to my blog djchrist71.blogspot.com


congrats! i like to roll in your blog. Hugs from Italy


Congrats! What lovely candy! Thanks for the chance to win!


from Italia ..thanks for this great candy


Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Good luck from Italy!!!
I post this candy on my facebook profile!
My email adress is:


Юлия Исаева (Юлюша)

http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/57777775/post181604044// Спасибо за возможность! Привет из Украины!

Julie Tucker-Wolek

Wowwwwwwwwwww! What an AWESOME giveaway! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Becky Garrison

This is one amazing giveaway!!! I found you via Charlene @ Paper and Ink Playground, and I'm so glad I did! Thanks for the chance to win some amazing goodies! Becky

Becky Garrison

I am a follower . . . THANKS!!!

Becky Garrison

I have posted about your giveaway in the right hand column of my blog @ http://camelliacottagedesigns.blogspot.com - Thanks!


Congrats on your milestone Amy!! You design wonderful cards and deserve every credit :) What an awesome giveaway with all the wonderful vintage goodies!


Thank you for the chance, Amy! Such a generous candy!!!


Wow, Amy what an awesome giveaway and congrats on your 500 posts!! Looks like you had fun scouring Europe for scrappy treats!! Who wouldn't want to win this?? Thanks for the chance! Hugs,Deena

Auntie Em

Congratulations on your gorgeous blog! I wandered over here from Charlene's Paper and Ink Playground blog. Love your fun and colourful style of card making. Your blog is very interesting and inspiring! I am signed up as a follower! :D
Thanks for sharing! :)


Congratulations !! Thats a huge give away and I love vintage ...but lack of supplies here in India :(

I have followed the rules...thnx for a chance to win !

I am not able to post with my Id due to some strange reason.. :(


Crooked Scrapper

This is an amazing giveaway. thank you for sharing your wonderful goodies with us. I'm a new follower.

Crooked Scrapper

I posted your give-away on my blog.


Wow what a fantastic give-away! Thanks so much for the chance to win - off to post about it now :)

Carol x


wow fantastic giveaway ive posted on my side bar for you xx

Gloria Sauve

This is a beautiful blog and a fantastic giveaway. I am your newest follower and fan. I am promoting your 500 Post Giveaway on my own blog, Globug Ideas http://www.globugideas.com/?p=273
I hope someday my cards will be as amazing as yours!
Congratulations on your success!


Congrats on your milestone!
this is SUPERB candy, too think some of it is all the way from Europe makes it extra special. thanks for the opportunity!

ps...all linked up


in case you want the direct link:

Susan (from above)

This comment has been removed by the author.

Hi Amy! Congrats on your blog success!! Your blog is just beautiful and I am so happy to be a new follower. I'm not sure if you want separate comments for each or not......so I am just gonna toss em all in one post :) I'm a new follower, and I posted your giveaway on my blog....here is the link, http://teenabugg.blogspot.com/2011/08/awesome-candy-alert.html
m, and obviously I am commenting on this post.....lol. Have a great day!!!!


Das ist Fantastik *candy*!!http://raznoe-interesnoe-poleznoe.blogspot.com/

Stacy H-W

Amy, I am a new follower and look forward to seeing what you make in the future. Congrats on 500 plus followers!! Super cool. I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
And I have you linked on my sidebar. I have a giveaway on my blog too right now so if you have time you might want to check it out. Thanks for the opportunity to win your!! Stacy H-W

This comment has been removed by the author.

Hi Amy doesnt time fly when you are having fun? x congrats x keep up the good work x Your candy is on my blog x I am a follower of your lvoely blog x Leigh x


What an amazing giveaway!!!! I posted about ur giveaway on my blog and you can view the post HERE! Thanks so much for the chance to win Im a follower.


Thanks for the giveaway. I will follow your blog happily.


I'm a NEW follower
Come and BEE a follower on my blog
Rebecca Minor
THANKS for a change to win this wonderful blog candy


I am a new follower:) What an awesome trip you had! I am so jealous, Europe has always been a dream of mine:) Thanks for the give away. It is awesome! http://visionsofpaper.blogspot.com/


Wonderful giveaway! I am a follower and I posted a link to your giveaway on the sidebar.


wow this is an awesome candy thank u so much for a chance to win and also to be willing to ship it worldwide,done all that u have asked.and now crossing my fingers.
love and wishes.

angelique (anlou)

hiya sweetie
i just found your blog hunni and loving it
thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous and generous candy, it's alreay linked on my sidebar
have a great day sweetie
hugs angelique

Princess Hilda

awesome candy! new follower love you blog

Something Special

am so happy that I found this giveaway before it closed. I would love a chance at it anyway. You have quite a lot of entries. I can't believe you got to go to France and get in on flea markets there. You are so lucky! I am sure I am already a follower too.


This is really a fabulous candy!
Sure hope to win! :-)
Linked in my sidebar.
Have a great day!
ViNo (VivisPyssel)


Wow. Great goodies. Thanks for sharing


What a great giveaway! I'd love to win this one!


I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar at http://madebykarla10.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance ;)


I looked through your blog and decided to become a follower :)

Amy E

Oh wow...your trip sounds heavenly! I've always wanted to go to Europe. I didn't even think of all the amazing vintage scrap stuff you could find over there!

I'm your newest follower! I also posted your link and pic on my blog candy page.

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com


What a yummy candy. Thank you so much for a chance to win. I am a new follower.
Came to visit my little blog on


Awesome Blog candy heres to the next 500 posts.I absolutely adore vintage and T/Holtz.Icame across your blog via a blogger friend recommending it to me just love it!
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy i have added to my candy bar ,and also become a follower .
Thanks again for chance to win.My hubby worked with Autistic children so i know the hard work you put in!
Hugs have fab day



This comment has been removed by the author.

Already a follower! Awesome Candy!

The Archiving Angel

Hello there, I am your newest follower. Your blog is lovely! So glad I found you. I adore your creations and am certain I will be inspired while visiting. Your giveaway is generous, thanks for the opportunity to win. I will post about it on my blog with a link as well.
Hope you stop & visit me too.
Crafty best wishes,



I found your blog through a link from another blog I follow, and I am glad I did! Not just for a chance to win some awesome blog candy, but also because I like your blog and how you share your creativity and bits of your every day life with your special girl! Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more from you.



New follower!



What an awesome giveaway!!!
I love vintage!
Thank you so much for the chance to win :-)


Congrats!! Thanks for the give away!! I'm a follower.

Sweetncrafty Gal

Wooo hooo! look at all this yummyness! thank you so much for sharing and for
a chance to win some yummy goodies
hugs carlyann xx
p.s. i've linked your candy on my sidebar!

Crafting Aberrigines

its a lot of stuff..for poor souls like me :P
awesome giveaway :)
500 posts ...yaay !! m impressed ...
congratulations ..


Wow what amazing candy - thanks for the chance to win!!!

Congrats on all your posts too.



Holy Cow!! This is some AMAZING blog candy and I LOVE every single item you are giving away!! What a very generous heart you have to give ALL of these amazing items to someone. I am a brand new follower and I just want to say that I do not follow someone just to enter to qualify for blog candy. I will be a follower as long as you have your blog. Anyhow, I am in LOVE with so many items like the Bingo cards, I LOVE all of the papers.. oooh they are SO adorable!! and I love anything Martha Stewart, the lace, binding, well heck, I love it all..lol. The 31st of August was my birthday and I have not gone to bed yet and I was just blog hopping and wanted to check out your blog and I LOVE it so far. I can't wait to get to know you better. That is the most favorite part of blogging for me, is to get to meet new blogging friends. Anyhow, I am going to go post about your blog candy on my blog at www.twopinkpeas.blogspot.com and you will be able to find it there. Thank you SO much for the chance to win all of these really great goodies. Like I am seriously drooling..lol. Love, Love, Love It!!
Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net

Thank You for the Chance to Win!! Crossing my fingers and toes!! But whoever wins is one lucky girl!! I am currently working on a new giveaway and I will let you know so you can enter if you wish!! Thanks again!!


Hi Amy.. Just wanted to let you know that I posted about your AMAZING (I can't stop saying how amazing this blog candy is... just beautiful items in this bundle) and I posted it on my sidebar. You can find it on my blog at www.twopinkpeas.blogspot.com
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net

Thank you Amy for the chance to win!!!

Terri of Two Pink Peas


Hi again Amy.. I just wanted to let you know that I subscribed to your email and I was going to put your blinkie on my blog but I cannot find it anywhere. Can you help me? I looked on a few different pages and I just don't see it. If you can email me at
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net and let me know where I can find it I would be proud to post it on my blog. Sorry to bug you but I really want to get this right.
Thanks so much!!
Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net


Hi Amy, your blog is just amazing. I´m glad to be a follower and be able to participate.
Vintage is the most beautiful and chic style ever.
I hope i win this
from brazil


Thank you for a chance!
My link is on a left sidebar http://belyona.blogspot.com/

Welcome to my blog
Natasha from Russia :)


I wish your battle will be easier...

Thank you for the chance and inspiration!

I posted your candy on my sidebar.

Emsworth Girl

I pray your fall becomes easier, I have posted a blog for your candy.
Thanks for your generous chance to win such beautiful prizes.

Michelle B.

Thank you so much for a chance to win such amazing candy! I have posted the low-down on my blog http://1krazeemama.blogspot.com/2011/09/500-posts-giveaway.html


Wow what an amazing trip that must have been. What great goodies you found. Thanks for the chance to win them. I am a new follower. Maybe come follow me as well? :)
Melissa D


Blogger is being a pain once again, and I can't post about this. Also why I have to post anonymously. grrr. I will try again tomorrow.
Melissa D


Hola, revisando ideas por la web me encontré con tu blog. Lo estuve revisando muy lindo tus trabajos. Me hice tu seguidora, te anuncie en la barra lateral de mi blog, espero aun estar a tiempo para participar. Gracias por la oportunidad que nos das de estos detalles tan lindos.
Felicitaciones por tus 500 mensajes.


Now that is something for the eye, no, both eyes,lol, wow, tremendous,love vintage....:))
You sure had fun by the sounds of it!! Thanks for this chance, do hope you post even to South Africa,lol, did hear it calling my name..hehehe
Have a lovely day/evening and lotsa luv


Beautiful candy! http://blog-inventame.blogspot.com/


Wonderfull candy
Sandra (http://lartevistadame.blogspot.com)


SO GLAD I checked my RSS feed! Wow Amy I'm drooling over that awesome candy! I'm amazed you can part with all those goodies and I feel blessed to have a chance to win it. I'm jealous of your fabulous sounding trip, glad you had a wonderful time :o) Not much time left but I put your candy up on my blog. joyfullyorangepapercrafts.blogspot.com

Many blessings sweetie! Deborah


Fantastic candy! Happy blessings for today!

Kim Kelley

All I can say is wow! That's a lot of candy..no calories!
Kim Kelley

lene rh

WOW! i'm totaly in :D takes all three tickets

jonna d

Looks amazing. I will also post a link on my own blog.
//jonna d


Oh my... what wonderful candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win! http://kurly-q.blogspot.com/2011/09/hi-all.html


Hi Wonderful candy I try to win this fantastic gift!!! I added your link into my blog.
Hugs from italy


Hi Amy! What a great great giveaway! I love it, I love vintage! Congratulations on your 500 posts!
XXX from Spain



Hello! So full of inspiration here space here, dear! And what a stunning giveaway! I've posted on my sidebar, by date. And thanks so much for this lovely chance! God bless, my dear! :D
Follower's name: Rachel Berault


so many nice things. I just couldn't give up the chance, maybe, of winning. My email is storybeader at gmail dot com.


and I'm a new follower! You trip sounds great - know you had fun! the storybeader at gmail dot com


I'm a new follower. This is an amazing giveaway! And I'd LOVE to take part in it, so will you please count me in..

I added your link into my blog's sidebar.

Thanks so much for the chance to win!

<3 Irina


Wow, what an amazing Candy. Thank you for the chance to win that sweet stuff.

Hugs, Uta


Ohhh, creo que llego a tiempo de participar en tu maravilloso sorteo, enhorabuena por tus seguidores, tienes un blog precioso.
Ahora mismo lo pongo en mi blog y aprovecho esta oportunidad para invitarte a mi sorteo si te gustan las miniaturas, es el 14 de septiembre.
Mil besos...Julia


CONGRATULATIONS ... Hello how many details you have in your candy is very nice ... I'm your fan and I placed the picture on the sidebar of my blog.
My blog is http://mayodetalles.blogspot.com/
Greetings from Apure / Venezuela.


Follow you on GFC.
Blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogspot.com/2011/09/500-posts-giveaway.html

Thanks for the great giveaway!
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com

WCA Yash Travel

thanks for the chance

gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom

WCA Yash Travel

gfc follower
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom

WCA Yash Travel

blog post
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom


Congrats! I would love to win! So many neat goodies :)
alklong at hotmail dot com


Follower :)
alklong at hotmail dot com


i want this so much! :D i'm a new follower and i put your blinkie on my blog. have a great weekend!


I have posted your candy in the sidebar of my blog and have become a follower of your wonderful blog!!

Thanks for the chance to win!!


Thank you for the opportunity to enter your blogcandy giveaway. I have joined your blog followers, post you pic on my blog's sidebar, posted a story on my blog about your giveaway.
Thanks again for a chance to win.
Mary at Mary's Rose Cottage

Breaking Free From Old Ways

This is such an awesome giveaway!


Anna F

This is just great! I love crafting with my son this would be great

Anna F

I follow you via GFC - anna f

frugalohio "at" gamil "dot" com


What a generous lovely giveaway. Congrats on your blog. I am in such awe over all you bloggers who put yourself out there bravely and are diligent enough to share your lives with us.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com


new gfc follower as jhb
jhbalvin at gmail dot com


Fabulous candy Amy. Popped you on my sidebar. Carol x


So lovely to have found you, thank you for visiting my blog! I would love to use all these bits in my mixed media paintings or may do some sewing. Thank you for coming to my giveaway! http://manonpopjes-manonpopjes.blogspot.com/2011/08/giveaway.html
I will try and put you on my sidebar tomorrow.


Hy Amy.Theres my blog with your giveaway link:http://mindenamijon.blogspot.com/
Sorry I write wrong.I write from Slovakia.Can I play into giweaway.




GFC: SweetShenanigans
email: girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
posted: http://sweetsugaryshenanigans.blogspot.com/2011/09/500-posts-giveaway-from-papertrails.html

Mary Preston

THANK YOU for the amazing giveaway.

GFC: Mary Preston


Lolô Artesanato

Wow it's amazing giveaway, tks for the chance to win
I'm a new follower
posted about here: http://lolo-artesanato.blogspot.com/p/sorteios.html


Congratulations on 500 posts! What a fabulicious giveaway this is! I love the Vintage Parisian goodies.
Best wishes and thanks for the chance to win!


Longtime follower in GFC here! Again, congratulations on your blog achievements, Amy.
Best wishes and thanks for the fantabulous giveaway!

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