
Smashed cupcakes and a lil' monster

Today was the first day of school for PWC students! For my daughter, 8th grade has officially begun and that's reason enough to celebrate with a cupcake in our family. I worked today so I had no time to bake cupcakes. After work, I rushed over to Cupcake Heaven to buy cupcakes before she got home from school. This turned out to be a difficult task because the flavors were all so tempting and they use the cutest boxes to package the cupcakes when you buy more than one. I know it's silly to ogle a box, but it reminds me of my childhood when we received bakery items in boxes tied up with twine. Moving forward with my story though. I had thirty minutes and I was so excited to greet DD at the door and hear all about her day while she enjoyed a sweet treat. However there was a bit of an accident en route home. A man decided he wanted to make a sudden left hand turn on the 50 MPH road and slammed his brakes on causing five cars to jam their brakes on. The cupcakes took a tumble off the leather seat to the floor board. :-( I knew the beautifully decorated cakes were doomed. Sigh. Well, I am thankful there was not an accident, thankful that I could afford to buy J cupcake's because I have a job, thankful my car brakes are functioning properly, and thankful that I made it home in time to see her get off the bus and snap a few photos. I also took a couple of the smashed cupcakes.

and to the driver that made that left turn:

a monster with his tongue sticking out at you!

Supplies: monster card template from Paper Popsicles; cardstock: Bazzill; pattern paper: Basic Grey; buttons and ribbon: craft supply; floss: DMC


Kelley Eubanks

Oh my goodness .... how funny! Love that monster! Sorry your cupcakes got messed up but I am sure they still tasted yummy! BTW... I think I saw your name on the top over at Card Patterns? Or 2s4y? Can't remember for sure but know it was one of them so... Congratulations! :)


Awwww I hate getting my cupcakes mashed! Well good you weren't hurt! Love the monster....may it haunt him forever (or at least every time he tries to eat a cupcake!!)_

Sherry Wright

Bummer about the cupcakes, however that monster is too cute!! Love the shaped cards below. :)


I'm glad to hear everyone was ok at least, and hey the icing tastes just as good when it comes off the box top! Such a cute fun card!


I'm glad you and your daughter are okay...I'm sure the cupcakes still taste yummy! Love that monster! :)

Tasha Hickert

I laughed when I saw that you took a picture of the cupcakes! Reminds of the time our power was out for a week so I had to take the kids and go to the laundromat. They had never been to one before and were all intrigued and therefore very helpful (ages 5,7,11). So, of course, I was taking a few photos and some lady smiled at me and said "you must be a scrapbooker".

Glad you got home in time for your daughter's bus!


So glad that you were safe. I LOVE the monster with his tongue sticking out! How perfect.

Cindy Lee

Oh..glad that you are ok..pheww :) And that lil monster is so darn cute! I actually laughed when I saw it. Shall I say 'you deserved it' to that irresponsible drive?? lol :)

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