
Still enjoying the holiday

Wow! It's awfully quiet this week. I guess lots of people are on holiday or busy with other activities. I am actually having a nice little break sans kinder. Of course I miss her dearly and call to speak with her daily. So maybe that's why it seems so quiet? I don't have my Tigger bouncing from room to room. When she is away I miss hearing her playing the keyboard and singing along ever so lightly. There is no screaming for something to be fixed. I miss her. I really do. She makes me smile, laugh out loud from her silliness, and always gives the best hugs.

Okay, I am getting sentimental. Let's focus on a few things I had time to create the last few days.

Just a couple of cards I made, including one for the 2 Sketches 4 You weekly card challenge.

Both of these cards use MAMBI paper and Glimmer Mist. I just got a bottle of it and already used a 1/4 of it in a day! Oh my! It's kinda addictive spraying it on things to get a glittery effect. I bought the Khaki, which was not my first choice but the LSS was out of Coffee. Flexibility is important. :-)
My take on Laura's sketch this week:

Also made a few Valentine's Day items that I will have to share later. I just realized that I failed to take pictures this afternoon. Boo hiss. Thank you for checking out my little creative area. Have a terrific Tuesday!



These are both awesome! You rocked the sketch this week! :D

Laura Davis

Beautiful, beautiful work! Thanks for playing, & thanks for your sweet words:)


Oh, these are so beautiful! The houndstooth paper is wonderful and I love the colors you've used with it!

Hanneke van der Linde

Beautiful cards you've made!!


Great cards :)


both cards are great


I'm back! SO glad to hear you enjoyed your Secret Santa gift from me. I figured couldn't go wrong with something you use daily. Was the pointsettia on that card one I sent? For some reason it looked familiar. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!


Beautiful cards! I love the houndstooth :)


They are so cool! Love how you used cool shapes and not just straight!


Great cards!!! Love them!


Beautiful creations! Glimmer mist is a wonderful thing!!!!!

AUsome mom

Great card! Color combo is beautiful.

Kimmy P

Nice cards! I've got an unfinished card on my work table that's made outta that exact houndstooth paper. :) Great minds think alike.


wow! i love your cards. you're so creative! happy new year!


Happy New Year!


Your cards came out too cute...I like the dp you used....great job on the sketch!!


Oh these are adorable Amy!
-Heather :)


Great cards!! Love your take on Laura's sketch this week!

Happy New Year,


Love both cards Amy!!


Beautiful cards, love the colours and the cute embellishments.


These cards are gorgeous!!!

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