Is anyone experiencing school "worries" with their child? My DD is not doing so well and I actually sat next to her last night and just held her for a few minutes straight. I was dumbfounded for words. This is rare if you know me. I chose to type "worries" as anxiety has so many negative connotations. We have a paper worry bear that we can write on to express our worries but let me tell you, a 12 year old is not interested in this. I can't blame her. I kinda looked at the idea like what the? You want me to write on the bear's belly my troubles and my "worries" will dissipate? Are you smoking something? While this may work for a child 5-10, a 12 year old is not interested in this solution. As for me, I was completely at a loss for solutions. As a parent, it really sucks to watch your child crying and not be able to offer a quick fix. After a heavy discussion we came up with a few suggestions and worked towards the ultimate goal. One being allowing my daughter to feel empowered to make things happen for her when she is at school. Anywho, any suggestions would be appreciated.
As for me, I have been on a creative hiatus. But yesterday I did make something that had me reflecting back to J's younger years. I made this altered coaster with Melissa Frances papers.
This month we are having a Scrap Pink crop at MMFY. There will be lots of challenges, games, and prizes. I am going to give you a sneak peek of something I made to offer up as a prize.
What a beautiful journal of hope! I am not a parent, but seeing any child in anguish is always so upsetting. I want to fix the problem, when I know I need to teach them how to work on their own problems. It is difficult as a teacher, and must be doubley hard as a parent.
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