
Back woes and a cough =not feeling well

Yes, I am feeling a bit run down and nursing a cold which may have contributed to my back woes from coughing so much. :-( Enter Ricola. J told me I was scaring her when I cough. Keep conversations at bay and heat pack on high till this abaits.
I have a few things to share with you today. First congrats to the new DT at 2 Sketches for You and Happy Birthday to Kazan!
The new sketch is up and I have my take on it to share:
Also a fellow DT member at Making Memories for You has a color challenge on the site to use red as the title or sentiment on your layout or card. No problem for me since red is my favorite color! Come on over and see all the DT's cool challenges for a chance to win a prize! Here is my example:

And my final project was such fun! Over at Paper Popsicles, the November monthly theme challenges have started and this week's is to make a tag using papers that are not Christmas themed. Non-traditional if you may. I used BG paper to make mine. There is a sketch to follow for the tag so go check it out and try it! Here's mine:


Laura Davis

Beautiful entry as always! I hope you are feeling better soon!

Amy Wing

Hi Amy! You won our prize package for commenting on our poll at Gauche Alchemy. I'll let the contents be a surprise, but leave your snail mail address with us at gauchealchemy at cox dot net! Congrats!


Beautiful stuff as usual! Hope you feel better soon!!!


Both of your cards are beautiful. Feel better soon.


Wonderful cards!!

Kristen Swain

wonderful cards! I love the jumbo rick rack- too cool!

Lea L.

Such cute cards!! Great job with Laura's sketch this week!



gorgeous creations!!


Lovely projects!


These are so pretty! Love the blue/green/black color combo.


Hope that you feel better soon Amy. Your cards are gorgeous. Love that huge rick rack.

Kath Stewart

gorgeous card for the sketch Amy and hope you feel better soon sweetie


Lovely! Great take on the 2S4Y sketch!



Love your cards!

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